Saturday, January 1, 2011

This Anaheim Ducks mockery from Kings fans baffles us no more

Had this originated anywhere but the arena that's infamous for having Anaheim Ducks hockey cards in the urinals during rivalry games, we may have been surprised. As it stands, we're just ... baffled.

Puck Buddy Ben Z. attended Sunday night's Anaheim Ducks vs. Los Angeles Kings tilt at Staples Center and was handed the flyers above. From Ben:

"Just an anonymous Kings fan passing them out here in Section 119 during warm-ups, and soliciting promises from us all that we'd hold them up during the game. The photos look like they came from somebody's Facebook page...hard to tell if they're real or not. I don't know who the mastermind behind it was, but judging by the layout and font selection I'd say we can narrow down our list of suspects to 'anyone with Microsoft Word.'"

Ben said the left image is a scan -- note the footprint -- while the other was snapped at the game. Other than obviously challenging the masculinity of these players, we're confounded as to their origin or motivation. Because there doesn't appear to be anyone close to looking like Ryan Getzlaf on there. 

Well, OK, it's not so difficult to see the motivation in lampooning Corey Perry at a Kings game, given the home team fans' loathing of the Ducks star. Pretty sure Rudy Kelly is still popping champagne over on Battle of California for this Wayne Simmonds fight Sunday night that earned rave reviews from the Kings bench:

UPDATE: We ask, you answer; 'RollinPonyStyle' offers some alleged backstory on the images: 

Its a story that happened over Halloween. Perry and Lupul attended a Halloween party in the OC at a kings fans house. Perry saw that he had Kings bobble heads and saw a Simmonds and was talking crap on simmons.  He then ripped the head off the bobble head.  The photos are from the party. 

The Ducks and Mr. Perry get to dressin' weird now and again.

Puck Buddy Tristan sent over the flyer you see to the right that brings the story into focus, as well as this link to a Surly and Scribe post that details what allegedly went down at the Halloween party ("Pink" would be "Corey Prerry"):

The pink clad sphincter brought his mate, Joffrey Lupul, unimaginatively dressed as the "shake-weight" guy. They toted female friends. When each arrived and were introduced to Russell, he did as we would have. He reminded ghastly and guest that he is a Kings' fan...and he walked away. Pink Perry was perturbed.  Irritants get dejected when they are not felt, lash out should the only thing they do well, annoy, go unnoticed.  As Pink strolled through the living room, he took the bobblehead dedicated to our 17, Superman Wayne Simmonds, from the mantle piece.  Faced with that which is more venerable than he, Pink spiked the bobblehead off a stone on the fireplace. Wayne's head came off. Simmonds is a titan. His visage demands equal respect to the flesh. The crown deserves more. Disturbances such as this rattle the marrow.

The photos from the handouts were on that post as well. Thanks for the clarification, West Coast. Today, you're the best coast.

Leelee Sobieski Teri Hatcher Lauren Bush Natalie Zea Brody Dalle

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