Monday, March 28, 2011

Devil Ball Golfcast 68: Where the hell are our helicopters?

Helicopters are apparently the preferred mode of transportation to the Tavistock Cup, and dammit, we want ours! But alas, none are forthcoming. Ain't that always the way?

We begin today's podcast talking about Nick Watney, and how he's gone from no-name also-ran to big-name front-runner. We drift from there into a bit of Tiger Woods talk, because you have to, and then we move to the Tavistock Cup. Sure, it's lovely and all, but really, what's the point? We have some ideas on how to make the Tavistock a much more exciting event, specifically, potato-sack and three-legged races. Turn it into a whole county-fair kind of thing, you know? But it'll probably never happen. Probably.

As always, I'm joined by Shane Bacon, writer here and at Dogs That Chase Cars. (Follow Shane on Twitter right here, and while you're there, follow me too.) 

We welcome your thoughts, ideas and recommendations on the podcast. Hit me up at And if you've got a question or comment for us to kick around, call our Skype line at 678-389-9173 and leave your message. Click the little arrow below to play the podcast or right-click it to download, and hit the iTunes or RSS icons linked below to subscribe. Follow us on Twitter at @jaybusbee and @shanebacon to get more frequent updates. Have at it!

Devil Ball Golfcast 68: Where the hell are our helicopters?

Melissa Rycroft Chloë Sevigny Janet Jackson Georgianna Robertson Reese Witherspoon

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