Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Braves TV wrongly attributes Prince Fielder joke to Ryan Braun

It's been quite the season for mischievous television workers so far.

First, someone working on the New York Mets broadcast inserts a mocking Family Guy bit into the opening day postgame show, a move that reportedly left SNY officials "seething" and the worker facing internal review.

Now Fox Sports South tells Deadspin they're investigating an incident on Thursday's broadcast that had Milwaukee Brewers left fielder Ryan Braun making a fat joke about teammate Prince Fielder. Even though Braun never answered a serious question (Is Chipper Jones a legitimate Hall of Fame candidate?) with a funny question like the onscreen graphic above says he did .

Hey guys, if you really wanted on Big League Stew that badly, all you had to do was ask.

No need to put your jobs in jeopardy here.�

As with the Mets, there was a big element of borrowing with the on-air hijinks. Braun's "response" was actually a �one-liner that a poster named "Bronn" came up with on the Braves-centric blog Talking Chop when the Brewers broadcast posed the same question �a night earlier.

It was so good that it somehow found its way onscreen during Thursday's game and Braves broadcaster Chip Caray read it out loud while the camera focused on Braun.

How could Fox Sports South make such a mistake?

Braves bloggers have a few theories.

From Talking Chop:

1. Pure coincidence, but that's no fun.

2. Bronn is in fact Ryan Braun.

3. Someone at (Fox Sports South) saw the quote on (Talking Chop) and mistakenly attributed it to Ryan Braun after hearing it was from "Bronn."

4. Ryan Braun reads TC daily.

Here's a fifth: A Fox Sports South worker made the graphic as a joke, never intended it for broadcast, but it got out anyway. It happens to copy editors and newspaper writers all the time ? remember when Domonic Brown was called an idiot? ? so it can happen on television, too.

FSS' Kate Hart tells Deadspin the network is looking into the matter. And while we all got a good chuckle out of it and Fielder is probably used to people poking fun at his size by now, Fox Sports South needs to be a legitimate threat to apologize to Braun and the rest of the Brewers. FSS can't just go around taking off-the-cuff Internet remarks before putting them into the mouths of players who never came up with them.

Don't they know that's what The Dugout is for?

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